Are you a publisher, or do you know of one, who is willing to publish The Long Awaited Truth of All Things on Planet Earth, and in so doing, at the same time become the most successful publisher of our, or perhaps even all time?
Please Read-on For Details...
The following is a selection of Manuscripts that JAH has prepared for publishing, but he has not yet found the right publisher for the job. Please 'click' on any of the following Book covers to view a brief introduction to your chosen Manuscript.
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The Authorised Version Old Testament - New Testament
- TRUE Koran - in ONE Book; all in the same language with Thees and Thous,
called "The King of kings' Bible"
Only the new "King of kings' Bible", which includes the ORIGINAL Koran, can get our brothers the moslems to know that they have to read the Bible and bring the world together, in peace, with everyone keeping The Covenant, which is God's Will (Islam in Arabic) as He says in the Bible and in the Koran and all worshipping towards His only Holy Temple, in Jerusalem, at Abraham's Station on Mt. Moriah. 2 Chronicles 3:1 Then Solomon began to build The (Kaba) House of the "I AM" (God/Allah) at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where [the "I AM"] appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite. |
![]() The Key; Missing link and
This long hidden "Book
of Enoch and Noah", which originally was part of the Holy Bible; and
was wrongfully removed by powerful evil people who did not
want you to read it, because of what it says about them;
is the missing-link and binding-tie between The Holy Bible and The Holy
Koran and it contains proof that the original Holy Koran,
contained in God's newly completed "King of kings' Bible", is undoubtedly
from The Ruler of The Universe (God/Allah), and, when correctly
interpreted, it is in perfect harmony with the Bible (see chapter
The Book of Enoch was acknowledged as Holy Scripture by Jesus the Nazarite; by his half-brothers James and Jude; by all of his Apostles and the whole Christian Church for several centuries before Mohammed Mustafa was given the Holy Koran, in which Enoch is greatly praised by God and we are told that God "raised him to a lofty station". This praise is also recorded in the section of The Apocrypha called "The Wisdom of Joshua the son of Sirach", also known as "Ecclesiasticus". |
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...What follows
is the beginning of a Biblical prophecy leading to the end of the world
as we know it.
The scenario moves from way out in space to the depths of good and evil in the human soul. It is a True story, the instruction manual for survival. Hoarding weapons and/or building bomb-shelters are not the preparations required for what is to come in this world, this, "The Way Home" is the ONLY Survival Plan that works. |
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To my son Cesar; he who will
come at the end of the twentieth century; My spiritual son. He will
understand what I have written and use the information wisely.
Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566) Nostradamus then left a warning in the ONLY quatrain that has a title; so that it would stand out from all of the others and hopefully be taken notice of. Quatrain 6,100 - 6 (man), 100 (% of men take note) The "Song" of The Law against Unintelligent Critics. Let those who read this verse consider it profoundly,
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The Book of Tephi describes in detail the journey Jeremiah The Bible Prophet took with the daughter of king Zedekiah of Jerusalem called Teia Tephi, The Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny) and The Ark of The Covenant from Jerusalem to Ireland, via Tanis in Egypt (as in "Raiders of The Lost Ark") then on to Gibraltar; Breogan in Spain; Cornwall and eventually landing at Howth, near Dublin, in Ireland on the 18th. of June 583 B.C. |
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What is the "New Song"
and why does "The Word" want YOU to learn to sing it and to Live
and sing it on The Rock?
Jesus said, "I am The Way, the Truth and the Life" and "no man comes to the Father except by me." The Covenant is called "The Way" in The Torah and Jesus was saying that he was a living demonstration of it (The Way) in action, demonstrating how YOU have to be if YOU want to survive and go home to Father. There is perfect harmony between the two "Songs", The "Song" of Moses and The "Song" of The Lamb (Christ). |
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THIS is The Fight that MUST be fought; The Battle that MUST be fought and WILL be won. Learn all about the age-old battle between the Forces of Good and Evil on Planet Earth: the history; who, what, where and why, and most importantly, how to fight. In this article you will find The only Way that we can ensure that we are on the Right Side and fighting in the Right Way, to conquer in God?s Name and help to bring True Peace to Planet Earth and Real Justice for ALL of man-kind. |
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Discover how and why the human Marriage Laws given to Moses; that are the ONLY way to make a marriage work and last for ever; are Symbolic of and Spiritually identical to the Marriage Relationship between God, The Father and His Wife (metaphorically) Israel. Find a deeper meaning why The Son, Christ Jesus, had to be Sacrificed, to pave The Way for sinning man-kind to return to the right relationship with God and learn about The only Way for us, His children; from all nations of the world; to be re-united with The Bridegroom and earn our place with Him in The New Jerusalem and New Age of True Peace on Earth, in this extraordinary insight into Divine Wisdom and Love. |
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Edited by JAH - 2000 A five part practical study of God's Law and The Divine Justice; Equality and Freedom that it provides; explaining how The Eternal Principles of The Law that was given to Moses 3,500 years ago can and should be applied to life in this day and age, to ensure abundant Life; Freedom and Justice for all and proper care for the Environment too. |
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We are living in very strange days, and very strange things are happening around us. To the uninformed, it is very dark and puzzling. Nothing seems to make sense, until we turn to The Word (Truth) of God, and see it explained as being part of a Perfect Scheme in the Great Master Plan, working out so meticulously all down through history, and particularly so in the days of our own troubled generation. |
To view a list of booklets, written by JAH, covering many varying and interesting subjects, needing a publisher, please click "JAH's Booklets". |
If you can help in our search
for an international publisher for any, or perferably all, of these works,
please contact us by Email at
or by post at the following address:-
JAH, JAH Publications, P. O. Box 561, The Way Home - PMB 205, Gibraltar, (Via London).
NOTE: Please use sturdy/secure envelopes, but NOT padded envelopes as they get stopped by customs.