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There is absolutely; undoubtedly and infallibly only ONE Key to Gibraltar's future prosperous and secure self-determination and that is the ONE on its flag, which is there for all to see; except "the blind being led by the blind", naturally.
Gibraltar's Flag, which originated as the Ensign of the Phoenician/British/Israelite Tribe of Gad; who was Jacob/Israel's (Gen. 32:28) eighth son (Gen. 30:11) and was Brit-ish not Jew-ish (Judah/Jew-dah -ish was Jacob's fourth son and one of Gad's half-brothers not his dad); has sadly been deprived of its best colour - The Ruler of The Universe's colour - the colour blue, and He is definitely not amused by its removal (because He considers it to be an insult to Him and His Sovereignty of heaven - The Universe. To find out why , please continue reading).
The very first inhabitants of Gibraltar, since the Creation of Adam, were NOT Spanish they were Brit-ish Gadites who arrived between 1500 and 1000 B.C. and were later joined by more Gadites in 722 B.C., the latter-arrival being recorded in the Gibraltar museum as Phoenician.
Their military "Camp" (castle) of Gibraltar, that, on their Ensign/Coat-of-Arms, has been changed to red, which, according to Christ, is God's enemy Satan's colour, should, in reality, out of respect for God, be deep blue; like the blue on the "Union (of) Jack"-ob /Israel - the Brit-ish flag.
In Heraldic-Symbolism the flag's red base represents the "blood-soaked" earth; the devil's domain (Rev./Apocalypse 12:1-9); where he walks to and fro (1 Peter 5:8) seeking to devour and to destroy, YOU (along with your ecological life-support system; so far with great success).
The flag's white upper-background represents the clouds. The castle, which should be coloured blue, is shown above and detached from the red earth, representing the castle in the sky - Heaven - God's Kingdom; the place that can never be taken or reached by human force, or technology, only by learning The Way of "The Force" (of God/good) and how to use it, through finding and living The Way/The Covenant, as was demonstrated by Jesus ("I am The Way - THE Example [THE Imam] of The Way/The Covenant in action, ONLY by following my example and my TRUE teaching, thereby becoming just like me, and, when you are just like me, then you can go back to heaven" - and NOT before) (please see my "Starwars - Fact NOT Fiction" Booklet).
The Golden Key, on the flag, represents The "Key to Heaven and Hell" that belongs to the Messiah/Mahdi (Rev./Apoc. 1:18; 3:7; 20:1 - Suras 86 & 43:61), Michael the Crown Prince of Heaven, the (star) luminous-"Being of Light", who comes down to Earth and takes on a human body (becomes a human+Being) and comes to Reign over and save Gibraltar and "his Elect" / "Chosen".
Proof that this Golden Key IS the Messiah/Mahdi's "Key to Heaven and Hell" is demonstrated symbolically by The Key being shown, on the flag, linking the castle (Heaven) and the red-ground (Earth/Hell). It is also The Key to the "Strait" Gate (note well - NOT the straight gate) through which YOU must strive to RE-enter heaven (the castle in the sky), or burn, just as you have been warned from the beginning. (Please see my Book "The Way home or face The Fire").
Abraham's seed - [The Covenant People - Brit-ish (in Hebrew) ] - was promised the possession of the "gate of his enemies" - the strategic "sea-gates" of this planet (Genesis 22:17-18); of which, the most important to God, is Gibr-ALTAR, the "crossroads" and "gate" to the old and new world (and age). Gibr-altar - Gebal-Tariq, in Arabic, means the Rock of "The Night-Visitant.*"
The Messiah/Christ, the spirit-Being Crown Prince Michael, whilst incarnated inside the human body named Jesus and called (see Numbers ch. 6) the Nazarite (Nazir - Truth in Hebrew. Nazareth was not built until the 4th century A.D.), said, "Strive to enter in at the Strait (of Gibraltar) Gate" (Luke 13:23-29) and I ALONE have The Key to (and am) "The Door" (v. 25) to YOUR survival and also (afterwards out of that body), to "The Seals" (Rev./Apoc. chapters 5 and 6. Then please see my "The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse and The Two Witnesses" Booklet ).
The "Strait Gate" - is the ONLY "Boarding-Gate" by which you (your Being NOT the human body you are using) can leave hell/Earth, and then ONLY with The King's Permission, and travel back to heaven, onboard the "New Jerusalem" (please see my "Close Encounters of the Gibraltar Kind" Booklet), IF you find "The Way" to obtain a "Boarding-Pass" (home).
That is WHY, to prolong his survival, Satan IS using, without their being aware of it, every politician; priest and organization he can, (politician Joseph Mary Aznar has already asked the U.N.O.; THE POPE and others for their help, and they have all agreed to help him), trying DESPERATELY to take Gibraltar (the "Strait Gate") from the Brit-ish seed of Abraham, and give it to Gentile Spain, BEFORE the *Messiah/Mahdi, inside his new body (please see my "On The Way to Emmaus Again" Booklet), can be recognised by the "Inhabitants of The Rock" (Isaiah 42:10-12) and acknowledged as its and their True King (Isaiah 33:16-17; Sura 52) and then SAVE it (Isaiah 42; Daniel 12:1), and his few "Elect/Chosen" (Matthew 20:16). * Revelation/Apoc. 3:3 & 16:15 - in the night.
Gibraltar can end its 300 year sovereignty dispute and stop Spain's Satanically-controlled, nonsensical onslaught for sovereignty; PERMANENTLY: removing its own national insecurity, by, instead of remaining divided; weakened and thereby "falling"; under many different squabbling political parties and doctrines (Matt. 12:25): truly repenting their breaking of The Covenant; finding and learning how to use that one and ONLY Key and uniting everyone under The Covenant.
You too can help, by carefully studying my Booklet "Gibraltar - British or Spanish? The TRUE Historical FACTS will surprise you!" and telling every single one of your Internet wwweb-friends and Net-surfers to down-load and study it too, along with studying all my other Books and Booklets and by keeping The Covenant yourself.
Keeping The Covenant, according to the Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, means that, to become one of the "Elect" and be allowed to survive, you must learn "The New Song" (Rev./Apoc. 14:3 & 15:3; note well 5:9) and, when the time is right, sing (Live) it in Gibr-ALTAR (please see my "God told Isaiah [His Prophet to you], 'Let the Inhabitants of The Rock sing, The New Song' - The Song of Moses and The Lamb" Book).
As a "Sign", of Gibraltar's renewed commitment to keeping The Covenant, when it makes that very serious commitment, the castle, on the flag, will have to be re-coloured back to its original blue (to demonstrate that the People agree that God and not Satan should rule Heaven).
The next step will be the hardest for everyone on Planet Earth to come to terms with; after 2000 years of expectantly waiting, mistakenly, for the body with holes in its hands to return (to understand how everyone is mistaken, please see my "On The Way to Emmaus Again" Booklet); and that will mean the 144,000 "Elect" recognising the returned Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, inside his new body, as not only their (your?) but also Gibraltar's; the entire Brit-ish People's; the U.S.A.'s; their historical allies' and the Commonwealth's and Ireland's True and Rightful King - JAH (Ezekiel 21:26-27).
P.S. You and they have all, already, very publicly accepted the late Princess Diana (please see my "Was Diana's Extremely Convenient Death an Accident?") as having been the People's "Queen of Hearts". So how can you, after all having already done that, refuse the Sovereignty of the People's "King of your Souls" and your One and ONLY Saviour, unless, you prefer the doomed House of Windsor (Ezekiel 21) and the fast-approaching "Fire"? - Amen
P.P.S. In the meantime please read my Books and Booklets; open your spiritual "eyes"; learn the "New Song" and remember to watch this space.