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[14th February 2023]


JAH, JAH Publications, P. O. Box 561, The Way Home - PMB 205, Gibraltar, (Via London)

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JAH - The Long-Awaited TRUTH of ALL Things on Planet Earth.

You've just landed at the most ground-breaking and informative site on the Net

"As The Lightening Shineth from the East even unto the West..."


JAH is the source of all of the information that every single Living Soul on this Planet needs, in order to survive into the new Millennium. This site covers everything, from proof of our TRUE and, until now, hidden identity (who and what we really are), to the complete explanation of why the world is in the incredible mess that it is currently in.

Also on this site, is the True interpretation of many of the Ancient Prophecies, from The Holy Scriptures and else-where; including those of Nostradamus; which were given hundreds of years ago, and give details about the times we are now living in, and what is going to happen on Earth, in the very near future.

We sincerely hope that you take the time to browse this site and that you will tell your friends and family about it, as we are totally convinced that you will find it to be a Fountain of Truth.

The question is, what would you like to find-out about first?

The following is a list of subjects which should help you to get started. Please click on any underlined item or icon, to be taken to it, and shown an expanse of information on your chosen subject. . . . Happy Surfing. . .

This section gives The long-awaited Truth about an expanse of different subjects; from Diana's death, to The New World Order and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion; from Genetic Terminator-Seeds to the true definitions of the various names and titles that people give themselves and their organisations to try to hide The Truth.
Spiritual and Social
This Page covers every aspect of Spirituality from the Astral-Plain to Spiritual-Healing. It also covers many of the Social Issues we experience in modern society.
Why is there so much Environmental destruction happening in the world nowadays? What is being done about it? and by whom? Find The Truth of it on JAH's Environmental page.
Take a journey into the past and find-out who the Celts really are. Discover the great significance that Celtic History has in the world we live in and will have as we enter the new Millennium.
Find-out what is really happening in politics today and who is really in control of the "System" we live under. . .
Discover the True Heraldic Symbolism of the various Coats of Arms, Heraldic Seals and Flags of The British Commonwealth, United States and more.
Learn about the True interpretation of Scriptural and other Prophecies and how the Signs of The End Times fit with the times we live in; find-out who the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse really are; the True interpretation of the Prophecies of Nostradamus; and much, much more on this amazingly informative page.

Note:- Nowhere in his entire one thousand Quatrain Prophecies does Nostradamus mention the 4th of July in 1999 or any other year, nor does he state that the world will end on that date. For proof, and what he really did say, please visit JAH's Nostradamus Page.

Find the True interpretation of The Holy Scriptures, not twisted and misinterpreted by powerful people in the churches and governments to hide The Truth from us, to keep us oppressed and under their control. Find the real reason for human existence on Earth and what each and every one of us must learn to be able to survive into the next (seventh / Sabbath) millennium.
Yes! They do exist! Find The Truth about UFO's on this informative Page.
His Rock of Defence.

Learn all about The 'Munitions' of Rock, The Weirding Way and The Key to The Rock's "Bright" future on JAH's Gibraltar Page.

Lia Fail - Stone of Destiny
Why is Jacob's Pillar-Stone called The Stone of Destiny? What is The Stone's final Destiny and how will it affect you? CLICK HERE and all will be revealed.
Movies containing Spiritual Teachings
Close Encounters Star Wars Dune They Live
Science Fiction or FACT?
Inis Fail - The Island of Destiny - Ireland
Check-out the amazing rediscovered True ancient history of Ireland, dating back two and a half thousand years to the sixth century B.C.; which includes proof, "carved in stone" that Jacob's Pillar - The Lia Fail / Stone of Destiny and The Ark of The Covenant were brought to Ireland from Jerusalem after the fall of Jerusalem in c. 588 B.C. Find out what influence this amazing history will have on every human+Being in the very near future.
Armageddon Survival-Kit
Now You Can Immediately Discover, and begin learning, the simple plan how to guarantee your freedom, safety and immortality; if you follow it faithfully, without deviation...
The Holy Koran
Discover The Truth about God's Holy Koran in this special Koran Page which contains all the information to prove that His Holy Koran and His Holy Bible, when interpreted correctly, are in perfect harmony and are in actual fact volumes of The One Book from The One Author, as The LORD our God is One and all of man-kind should be.
The King of kings' Bible
The Authorised Version Old Testament - New Testament - TRUE Koran - in ONE Book; all in the same language with Thees and Thous, called "The King of kings' Bible."
Only the new "King of kings' Bible", which includes the ORIGINAL Koran, can get our brothers the moslems to know that they have to read the Bible and bring the world together, in peace, with everyone keeping The Covenant, which is God's Will (Islam in Arabic) as He says in the Bible and in the Koran and all worshipping towards His only Holy Temple, in Jerusalem, at Abraham's Station on Mt. Moriah.
2 Chronicles 3:1 Then Solomon began to build The (Kaba) House of the "I AM" (God/Allah) at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where [the "I AM"] appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.

Now available in print (2nd edition, 6th April 2012).

The Way home or face The Fire
... What follows is the beginning of a Biblical prophecy leading to the end of the world as we know it.
The scenario moves from way out in space to the depths of good and evil in the human soul. It is a True story, the instruction manual for survival.
Hoarding weapons and/or building bomb-shelters are not the preparations required for what is to come in this world, this, "The Way Home" is the ONLY Survival Plan that works.
Manuscripts for Publishing
Are you a publisher, or do you know of one, who is willing to publish The Long Awaited Truth of All Things on Planet Earth, and in so doing, at the same time become the most successful publisher of our, or perhaps even all time?
To view a list of booklets, written by JAH, covering many varying and interesting subjects, needing a publisher, please click "JAH's Booklets".

JAH Web-Site
Ask and it shall be given ye,
Seek and ye shall find.
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Page Index
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A Call to Action
Please Click Here to find out what you can do to help JAH bring Truth; Justice and True Freedom to Planet Earth.

Email UsAny support or donations to assist in our on-going research and promotion of "The Long Awaited Truth of All Things on Planet Earth" would be very much appreciated.

All correspondence please to or to:-

JAH, JAH Publications, P. O. Box 561, The Way Home - PMB 205, Gibraltar, (Via London).

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  Thank you very much.

The Lia Fail
The Way Home
Home Page
The Truth About...
Social and Spiritual